Wednesday, July 1, 2009

©Leather Leather Month - JuLy

Following up from our last year's successful celebration of ©LEATHER LEATHER Day on 7/7 (upside-down L for Leather), I will like to announce the whole month of JuLy to be ©LEATHER LEATHER Month this year.

For this exciting July, I like you to bring it up to a whole new level by not just wearing leather yourself or encourage your spouse or girlfriend to wear leather as much as possible for the whole month.

I will like to encourage you to buy at least a piece of leather present, be it a simple pair of leather gloves, leather boots, leather jacket, leather coat, or even intimately a piece of leather lingerie to show your affection and appreciation to your loved ones.

As part of this exciting celebration, I will also be approaching abramovic3 to boldly attempt to rebuild Gloves2000 (if he has the source code or the text) at my LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER blog.

Let us celebrate ©LEATHER LEATHER Month together!
[end of post]

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