Courtesy of Teri from & Booted Up. I am really glad that there are more people appreciating my blog nowadays. Keep those contributions coming. If you'll like to guest blog, I can arrange that.
"She Will Be Loved"
TLS - Exclusive Film Clip Liam: "Du kannst ja wirklich singen"! Doch Liam wohl eher nicht *lol*
"Aufgepasst Emily, dein Streber zeigt sich"! *** *** "Emily, watch out, your geek is showing"! 5 minutes ago via UberTwitter
Emily Osment: Here. I'm alive. Everything all of the time. I open my eyes and discover. Discover. Discover. Discover.
Edit update um 22uhr05
4 Emily !! Congratulation !! :D :D :D
Ankunft in Australia !! 4 her upcoming concerts : )
Entertainment Centre, Newcastle- Australia, April 15 *** *** Kelly Clarkson LIVE IN CONCERT- Acer Arena Sydney- Australia, April 17
New York, ready 4 Miranda!?
LIVE @ April, 27 2010
MirandaBuzz: I'm heading to NY soon to perform my single "Kissin U!" My friend sent me this pic from Time Square!!! about 15 hours ago via Tweetie